15 July 2024

Linia de producție pentru reciclarea textilelor a fost pusă în funcțiune

In April 2024, Roseco Recycling inaugurated its new textile waste recycling plant, equipped with the most advanced mechanical recycling line in Romania. This represents a major step towards a sustainable future, using innovative technologies to transform textile waste into valuable resources. We pride ourselves on being leaders in the circular economy and promoting environmental responsibility.

25 May 2024

Rolul și responsabilitatea uzinelor de sortare în domeniul textilelor folosite în România

Sortatorii au rolul de a pregăti pentru reutilizare deșeurile textile post-consumator colectate sau, în cazul în care reutilizarea nu este posibilă, în vederea reciclării ulterioare. Este un proces complex și constă din mai multe etape. Cerințele procesului de sortare deșeuri textile cu scop de reutilizare sunt bazate pe specificațiile de sortare a asociației europene din domeniu, EURIC Textiles și legislația din România.

25 April 2024

Recycling vs Reusing in the textile industry

Recycling and reuse are two key concepts in the textile industry, both having a significant impact on the environment and the economy. While recycling involves transforming used materials into new textile products, reuse focuses on reusing garments and textiles without processing them. The choice between recycling and reuse can depend on a number of factors, including the condition of the material, economic viability and environmental impact.

25 April 2024

Is a circular economy sustainable?

The circular economy is a regenerative by design economic model that moves away from the traditional linear "make, use, dispose" consumption model. Instead of relying on the consumption of finite resources, the circular economy seeks to maximize the value of products, components and materials for as long as possible. This model is based on design and production principles that include reuse, repair, refurbishment and recycling of materials and products at the end of their life cycle.