Terms and Conditions


Utilizăm module cookie pentru a ne asigura că vă oferim cea mai bună experiență pe site-ul nostru. Dacă continuați să utilizați acest site, vom presupune că sunteți mulțumit de el.

Selling and obtaining information about our products through this Site is intended for both individuals and legal entities.

I. Company identification data:

S.C. ROSECO S.R.L., a Romanian legal entity, legally constituted according to the Romanian legal provisions, with registered office in Savadisla, village Vlaha, nr.22, Cluj county, registered at the Trade Register Office of the Cluj Court under no. J12/2211/1994, with Unique Registration Code: 6053730, fiscal attribute RO, bank account RO33 RZBR 0000 0600 1376 6912, opened at Raiffeisen Bank, suc. Cluj - Napoca, as a distributor in the field of textiles and second -hand footwear, hereinafter called the Company. S.C. ROSECO S.R.L. commercializes the following groups of products: clothing, footwear, household textiles, accessories, sports articles, the enumeration is not limited to these products. S.C. ROSECO S.R.L. reserves the right to stop at any time the commercialization of any of the above listed product categories or to start the commercialization of new product categories, without being obliged to inform the Customer about this.

II. Definitions:

Customer: means the legal entity with which the Company has a pre-established contractual relationship, arising either from a commercial contract of sale-purchase, or from a supply contract, accessing the Site for business purposes and the natural person accessing the Site who have accepted the Terms of Use of this Site, fulfilling in this regard all the requirements of the registration and authentication process, initiating and finalizing an Order or a request for an Offer. Misuse: is the use of the Site in a manner contrary to the practice in the field, regulations and legislation in force or in any other way that may cause damage to the Company and / or ROSECO brand, registered trademark of S.C. ROSECO S.R.L. Order / Offer Request: is an electronic document, generated as a result of accessing the Site by the Customer, which intervenes as a form of communication between the Company and the Customer, by selecting products by the Customer from among those marketed by the Company.

III. Conditions of use

Customers of this Website are kindly requested to carefully read the terms and conditions of use set out below: these "Terms and Conditions" are minimum applicable provisions, the use of the Website being subject to the general provisions of the legislation in force. The Terms and Conditions of Use may be amended at any time by the Company, by updating this Website, such amendments becoming binding with immediate effect for all Customers. By accessing the Site, Customers agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth herein as well as the applicable legislation.

IV. Order operations through the Website

Contract By placing an Order or an Offer request on the Site, the Customer agrees to the form of communication (e-mail) by which the Company carries out its operations on the Site. In the case of Orders launched verbally, the Company cannot accept claims or complaints of non-delivery or wrong delivery. If the Company confirms the execution of an Order, this implies full acceptance of the terms of the Order. The steps of the procedure for placing an Order or requesting a quotation on the Website are distinctly set out in the Prices link. The provisions of these general terms and conditions in conjunction with the provisions of the Commercial Sale and Purchase Contracts/Supply Contracts shall form the basis of the Orders launched and confirmed. Price of the products/services The price of the product(s)/product(s) or service(s) are those mentioned on the Website or in the Price Quotation sent. The Company reserves the right to set a special price for products/services for each of its Customers, different from the one mentioned on the Website. The price of the products/services may be modified by the Company at any time, the Client being informed in this respect in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Sales-Purchase Contract. In order to be applicable, the price of the product/service must be honest and serious. Thus, the Company warns on the fact that there are cases when, due to malfunctions of the Site or errors, the price displayed on the Site may not be the real one. In these cases, the Company will inform the Customer of the correct price. The price includes VAT. Methods of delivery and payment Delivery The Product(s) may be collected by the Client from the warehouse of S.C. ROSECO S.R.L., located in the village of Vlaha, no. 22, Savadisla commune, Cluj county, from the warehouse located in Targu-Mures, Budiului street, no. 68, Mures county or may be delivered to the Client, either by the Company, or by means of a fast courier service chosen by the Client or by the delivery route established by the Company. The transportation cost is predetermined according to the delivery method chosen. The amount will be indicated by the Company to the Client at the time of order confirmation. The Company reserves the right to change the amount of the transportation cost depending on the value of the order placed by the Customer. The specific terms, conditions and deadlines for the pick-up and delivery of the product/products are established for each Customer. In the case of delivery to the Customer's domicile that is on the delivery route established by the Company, the delivery cost is borne by the Company if the Customer is exactly on the delivery route and agrees to receive the goods on the delivery day designated by the route. Orders are delivered if they are confirmed by the time of loading the vehicle or starting the route and depending on the quantity. Unless otherwise agreed between the Company and the Customer, the Company discharges the risks and responsibilities associated with the products ordered by the Customer at the moment of handing them over to the Customer's representative or express courier service. The Company will ensure proper packaging of the goods and will ensure the transmission of the accompanying documents (tax invoice, documents which according to the legislation in force accompany the product/products) to the Customer. The Company will deliver the products only within Romania.

Method of payment

The way in which the payment of the products/services ordered by the Client will be made to the Company will be established for each case by the commercial sale-purchase contract (payment in cash at the Company's headquarters, promissory note with current due date, endorsed in its own name). Payment at the Company's headquarters: the payment of the product/products is made after the goods are picked up by the Client if the latter presents himself personally at the Company's headquarters to purchase the goods. Payment is made at the cashier's office at the Company's head office. Payment by Payment Order: payment is made at the time of confirmation of the goods order when the Customer must provide proof of payment by sending the PO to sales@roseco.ro so that the ordered goods can be delivered according to the terms established. Return policy In the event of quantitative differences found at the time of delivery - pick up of the products, a report will be drawn up, which will be signed by representatives of both parties. The Customer's complaints regarding the qualitative/quantitative inadequacy of the delivered product(s) must be made in writing at the time of delivery/collection of the products, and faxed to the Company. The Company shall not be liable for the product/products complained of with quantitative shortages, qualitative deficiencies if they have been resold or introduced into the works or removed from the original packaging, and/or if the prescriptions for use specified by the Company have not been observed. The Company will resolve the Customer's complaint after receiving and checking the returned products, and if it considers the Customer's complaint to be justified, it will replace the products within 72 hours from the date of the finding of non-conformity. The Company will take back bags only in their original state in their original packaging, and not in cut, unpacked or mixed form.

Delivery deadlines

In the event that delivery deadlines cannot be met, the Company will notify the Customer of the estimated delivery completion date. If the Company receives erroneous information regarding the delivery of the Products, the Company may refuse to honor the delivery, without this being considered a breach of the Contract, or may set a new deadline for honoring the Order. The cost of delivery shall be borne by the Company only if the Customer is on the Company's pre-scheduled delivery route and the day selected by the Customer for delivery coincides with the day of the Company's service to the Customer's area.

Privacy Policy

The Company processes personal data by collecting from the Clients the personal data necessary for the execution of the Contract and undertakes to comply with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. The data obtained by the Company will be stored in its database, and the Company will take all measures to protect them against accidental destruction or unlawful use. For the execution of the Contract, the Company will transmit the personal data collected from the Customers to the courier company that will deliver the products as well as to the banking units through which the on-line payments will be processed, these data transmissions not being considered as violations of the provisions of Law no. 677/2001. The Company's liability The Company cannot be held liable for any loss suffered by the Customer in the event that it complies with the provisions of these terms and conditions and the Commercial Sale and Purchase Agreement/Supply Agreement.

The Company cannot be held liable for damages created as a result of the non-functioning of the Website as well as for those resulting from the impossibility to access certain links on the Website. The Company shall not be liable for direct and/or indirect damages of any kind that the Customer or any third party may suffer on the basis of these terms and conditions for the situation in which it fulfills all its obligations arising from it. The Company cannot be held liable for any direct and/or indirect damage resulting from the use of the Products after delivery and in particular for loss after delivery. Complaints regarding defects of the purchased product(s) can be made to the following e-mail address: sales@roseco.ro.

Major force

Neither party shall be liable for the non-performance/delayed performance/ inadequate performance of its obligations, if such non-performance/ non-performance is due to an event of force majeure, as regulated by the legislation in force.
Applicable law - jurisdiction
These terms and conditions and the Contract are subject to Romanian law. Any disputes arising between the Company and the Client will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be under the jurisdiction of the courts of Cluj-Napoca.

Intellectual property rights

All materials incorporated into this Site are the exclusive intellectual property of the Company. These materials may not be copied or reproduced. However, the complete pages of the Site may be printed if they are intended for strictly personal use. Without ignoring the general applicability of the foregoing, the Company may from time to time offer the opportunity to download wallpapers, screen savers or other utility programs from the Site. Processing of personal data S.C. ROSECO S.R.L. is a personal data controller, being registered under no. 26901. S.C. ROSECO S.R.L. will retain your personal data and will use them only for the purposes of advertising, marketing and publicity, as well as for the purpose of informing Customers about aspects related to the functioning of the site and its offers. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Processing of personal data means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure to third parties by transmission, dissemination or otherwise, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction. The Company only records personal information voluntarily provided by Customers. According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, the Company is obliged to manage in secure conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that the Customers provide. The Company respects the right to confidentiality of the data of each person accessing the Website. In accordance with the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, S.C. ROSECO S.R.L. is obliged to administer in secure conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data you provide us with about yourself, a member of your family or another person.

The purpose of data collection is advertising, marketing and publicity. You are/are under no obligation to provide the data, as it is necessary for the Company to inform our customers about the status of their account on https://roseco.ro, about the progress and status of their orders, and to evaluate the products and services offered.The Company may notify its customers about its current offers through its weekly newsletter, and may send greetings, gift coupons or other special messages. The Customer agrees to receive informational or commercial messages (offers, promotions, advertising and marketing messages concerning the activity of the Company and third parties that are part of the Company's Group of Companies) from the Company to the e-mail addresses communicated to the Company. The registered information is intended for use by the Company and is communicated only to the following recipients: the contractual partners of the Company, as well as other companies in the same group as the Company. By registering on the Website/placing an Order or requesting a Quotation and filling in their personal data in the registration forms, Customers declare that they agree to their personal data being included in the Company's database and give their express and unequivocal consent to all their personal data being stored and used for:

-> marketing activities by receiving information or commercial messages (offers, promotions, advertising and marketing messages regarding the activity of the Company and third parties with which the Company has relations of any kind) to the e-mail addresses communicated to the Company,

-> participation in contests, promotions;

-> sending non-commercial or administrative messages (regarding changes in the Site, administration, etc);

-> internal statistics necessary to improve the quality of the services offered and the image of the Site and to create new features, promotions, functionalities and other new services. According to Law no. 677/2001, Customers have the right to information (art. 12), access to data (art. 13), intervention (art. 14), opposition (art. 15), not to be subject to an individual decision (art. 17) and to appeal to the courts (art. 18). You also have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you and to request their deletion. In order to exercise these rights, any person may submit a written request, dated, signed and sent to the following address: S.C. ROSECO S.R.L., village Vlaha nr.22, Savadisla commune, Cluj county.


The provisions of these terms and conditions are applicable together with the provisions of the Commercial Sale and Purchase Agreement/Supply Agreement entered into by the Customer with the Company. The provisions of these terms and conditions shall take precedence over the provisions of the Commercial Sale and Purchase Agreement/Supply Agreement. Provisions in respect of matters not specifically included or governed by these terms and conditions shall be governed by the provisions of the Commercial Sale and Purchase Agreement/Supply Agreement. Thank you for choice of being our customer!